The Girls

These are my girlfriends from High School and sooner!!!! On the left Bottom…Cindy,Susan, Kati above them, on the right, me, Kathy (Janes friend) and the Jane. They arrived on the 24th, James took us all floating down the river on Wed. we have a Duckie and we rented 3 others for ll of us. It was a beautiful day and we had sooo much fun together. The girls loved it and they were all so amazed by the beauty of the river. Water was super low but we had a few rapids. Thursday we went thru the entire park, west to east. In Many glacier we saw black bear, 3 grizzlies, moose and calf, white mtn. goat. A day full of wildlife!!! I hope all you ladies have an amazing time in Montana!!

Thank you for coming and hanging out!!! Love Wentz …….S & J

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