The Irma

This hotel located in downtown Cody was built in 1902 by “Buffalo Bill”, Col. William F. Cody. He names it after his daughter. It was dedicated as a Historical Place in 1973. It has a huge restaurant/bar, a beautiful cherry bar, and still serves as the place to stop, stay, and eat. The cherry bar was presented to Buffalo Bill in 1900 by Queen Victoria of England. The bar was made in France, shipped by steamer to New York then shipped by rail to Red Lodge Montana. After that it was delivered to Cody by a horse drawn freight wagon. The town also does the gun fights outside every night at 6, so all the tourists hang out on the street and patio to watch the show. If you ever come to Cody Wyoming you will see this beautiful place and you too will want to stop. S & J

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2 thoughts on “The Irma

  1. Too cool. Mark loves ‘old west ‘ history and so do I. Love getting the Wentz take on everything! Love your travels!

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