The Rock

This is the coolest place and one of the most visited in the United States. James and I stopped here in 2017 but did not do the tour. We went yesterday, the other night we went to grab a bite and brew and the bartender (Brenn) was telling us about this rock. Anyway her in-laws own it now and she was telling us about the inside. It is a 5000 sq. ft. home that was chiseled, blown up, and anything else you can do to get through a mountain. The inside was super cool and the temp stays 65-72 year round inside. Previous owner Gladys, died in 1974 and it stayed empty until 2000. The new owners left everything inside as is and have a few trading posts and zoo on the property. I think it would be cool as hell to live in this rock. It has power, water and is super solid. You can google Hole in the Rock and get all the info about it. It is right on Hwy 191 as you are driving into Moab. Have a great day! S & J

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