Title Says It All

This was a great historical information day! We rode our bikes along the trail that follows the Colorado River, at the line here at Az./Calif. This prison was built in 1875 and used until 1909. Tons of stories and history. Between this State Park and the Yuma State Park it was quite the day.

It would take a really long time to give you all the details so I will suggest you google this prison and read the information. If you want to know! It was very interesting to walk through and see in person. I guess between the 2 parks we traveled several hours back in time. Great day!!

S & J

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One thought on “Title Says It All

  1. Arizona history is fascinating. Kind of like watching the old westerns we saw in the movies and on tv. AZ history was one of my favorite classes in high school. Glad you enjoyed your day.

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