Trail of The Cedars

This waterfall was amazing. First you have to vision walking through an enchanted forrest with huge cedar trees, ferns, moss, you got the vision? You come to a fork and you can loop around this trail or you can put on your big girl pants and take the fork. The trail turns to Avalanche Lake Trail 2.3 miles up and it follows this stream, different waterfalls along the way, you can’t always see them but you can hear them. The next few shots will be along this trail. This trail goes to Avalanche Lake, one of the most popular hikes in the Park. We tried the day before, could not find a parking space. The next day we left camp at 6:30 am, to get a space and all three lots were full. So we parked down from the area and walked a mile to the trail head, almost a mile, seemed like 10 when we got off the trail!! Anyway it was well worth the extra time, extra walking and definitely worth getting up at 5am for. Some of the cedars in this walk must be 400 years old. Just lovely!!

Be groovy!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Trail of The Cedars

  1. Hello J & S! As always, i am enjoying your blogs!.Well, today is the 27th of August and i assume that u are with Carson! Must be exciting for all of u….So happy that you guys could meet up like this! Would love to see Carson, I’ll bet he has changed since I have seen him. Hope you will put a great picture of him on here!…………..Darrell has hurt his knee (actually we found out that he has a little bit of arthritis) anyway it hurts like the devil to walk on it. So, as you might expect, we have not been going out very much. He is taking meds and starts therapy next week..If he gets no relief, he can get a steroid shot for the pain. Hopefully it will not come to that… It has been rough on him not being able to do what he wants to and i have been mowing the yard! Don’t really mind that, it is good to get out of house even if it is hot. Take care and enjoy your time with your baby! Tall all hello from Stanly County!

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