
We rode to the end of the island here at Galveston. Maybe 1 1/2 miles from our campground. You have the point and to the right is the end of the beach. They have so much construction going on here where we are camping (on the beaches) not sure when they will reopen. We can get to the beach just in a round about way, no big deal, we have time!! With the weekend being Easter, it was packed, so many canopies, umbrellas, and traffic. Glad we were on our bikes, with it being an over cast day we rode a lot and we watched the golf tournament that was in Hilton Head. My man Jordan won!!!! So happy for him and his family! Anyway so we leave here on Tuesday and head to New Orleans. We are camping at Lake Pontchartrain at a RV resort/marina. Should be fun, and we will be able to go for a day to the golf tournament that is being held in New Orleans. We talked about going on Thursday.

We are going to catch the ferry in the morning to get over to TX 87. This is just down from our camping and it keeps us from going all the way back toward Houston and over to N.O. Should be fun, take a little boat ride with the camper!! They have six lanes lining up for the ferry, appears many people use this as the means to get from island to island. Have a great day and a safe week. Until next post… groovy!!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Vessel

  1. Sue, very interesting, the ferry and takes RVs!
    Tamarind and I love Jordan too, awesome win for him !
    Glsd of your retire from retire !
    Yay, no more working !
    Glad getting some golfing in too!
    Love sue r

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