Virginia Sunset

Hello again!! Been a while since I have posted. We arrived in NC on May 28 and have been planted across the street from Charlotte Motor Speedway at our friends (Lisa) house. We have full hookups and a great view!!! We have been so busy since arriving. We spent 12 days with Corey in SC. He and Morgan had an engagement party so we were able to attend and help with that. Meeting more of their friends etc. We have had something on our calendar every day since we arrived. Been back and forth to Lancaster, Union, Cabarrus, Stanly, Mecklenburg and Greyson Counties visiting friends and enjoying seeing everyone again, we are very fortunate. Our old neighbor had a big cookout for us and a great turnout for that and another friend had a pool party for us with another set of friends. I was able to get together for a day with High School girlfriends. We had a great time at the hood pool and enjoyed great stories and laugh’s. James has been able to play several rounds of golf so he enjoyed that. We also went to old stomping grounds in Virginia with some friends. They bought last year a log cabin on 72 acres and they shared a couple nights with us. We had a beautiful sunset as you can see, took a 5 mile canoe trip down the New River and enjoyed the cool crisp fresh mountain air. We are winding things down and we head back on the road July 1. Always meeting someone for dinner/drinks. Several friends have come to us from Tryon NC, Bishopville Md. and it has helped us tons. Hard to get in all things you want to. We never made it to the NC coast, no big deal except wanting to see friends that are that direction.

So this sunset is from the back deck of Hilses’ cabin in the Va. mountains. The view is of Mount Jefferson National Forest, Mt. Rogers and a few other peaks I do not remember!!! We drove across the mountain before we headed back to Charlotte. So nice to be in the middle of the woods!!! The smell of pine and sounds of running water!!! The little things you miss while living in the desert of Arizona!! For those that we did not get to see, we wish you a safe and healthy summer. We have an open door in Yuma from October – mid April. Thank you everyone for great laughs and good hugs!!

Hugs to all, S & J

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