Waiting on Bison

We traveled through Custer State Park today. Took the wildlife loop and then some. We stopped twice and got two hikes in. 71,000 acres of land. Quite impressive and so much to see. So the following pictures will be from today. Enjoy!!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Waiting on Bison

  1. Awesome pictures!!!! Hope you guys are having a blast!! thank you for the t-shirt. Love it!!!

  2. Hi Susan and James! Got your card today. All your post looks as if you are having a great time. Sorry James didn’t get any salmon, oh well there is always next time ha! Its great that you are visiting with your sister, sure you both will enjoy that. Bet you can’t wait to get your hands on Carson! Tell him hello for us, he’s a sweet young man! Darrell is having a hard time with Vertigo and has twisted his rt. knee……What a bummer, not to mention the covid crap that everyone is dealing with.. We are mostly doing what we always do, just no going to eat as much………..David did get your post card from Cooperstown and thought it was great of you to think of him….His school has started back this week and he is teaching weight lifting on the computer. isn’t that the stupidest thing you have ever heard. The world is going crazy. No wonder Joe Biden is still in his basement. The poor idiot!………..Glad you and James are having a great time an hope the rest of your trip is as much fun as the first part has been…There is a young lady that is a nurse at the VA in Oragon that went to West Stanly. We are friends on FB. She is a traveling nurse and has been practically to every state. That sounds like a great job to have……Well, gotta go, just made banana bread, hope it is good. Take care and be safe…………When do you expect to get back in this part of the country?

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