
I have never seen anything like this before. Just cruising through the desert on the washes and they are in all kinds of directions. We were fortunate enough to experience this day with our camp neighbors in their side by side. Too fun and if you don’t want to get dirty this thrill seeking experience is not for you!!

S & J

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One thought on “Washes

  1. Hi there! Glad you are having fun discovering Yuma. On NPR this morning was a feature about Yuma’s significance in growing produce, veggies, etc for our country. Then I saw your posts. What serendipity! Washes are also known as arroyos. Although they are dry stream beds most of the year, they can be extremely dangerous during big storms. Water will accumulate quickly and currents are strong. Can u say “flash flood”?! So be careful. Growing up in AZ, we would have picnics in the arroyos and sometimes float down them in inner tubes. My parents had one behind their house which allowed water to flow off the golf course. So we weren’t out in the middle of nowhere. Take care and be safe. Hugs.

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