Watkins Glen State Park

Today we drove over to Watkins Glen, now I know you nascar peeps know where that is. Seneca Lake (one of the fingers) is at the base of Watkins Glen. Anyway we went into the state park and did an amazing hike. Continuous water falls for about 1.5 miles and you are walking through cave like formations. The full circle of all the falls was about 2 hours. Great hike and simple beauty!! They had the trail one way, not sure if that is because of Covid or not but it worked out great. Would pull my mask up if someone wanted to pass us. Great day, then we went down to the harbor at Seneca Lake and walked out on the jetty and looked at all the boats docked. Most of them were sail boats. We leave here Sunday. Not sure if I can get another post in before then so until next time…….be groovy!!

Thanks for all the comments and well wishes.!!

S & J

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5 thoughts on “Watkins Glen State Park

  1. Spent many hours at Watkins Glenn during college! Beautiful! If you are nearby, walking the plantations near the Cornell veterinarian school is pretty too.! That’s in Ithaca. 🤗

  2. I have friends that go to that area for car stuff, not sure it is Nascar but maybe antique cars.
    It sounds like a beautiful area. I wonder if it is still hot even though you are near waterfalls
    and water. I guess the folks with sailboats are enjoying the season. They don’t have to
    worry too much about social distancing on the water.
    Stay safe…

    Love ya!

  3. You guys are living the dream! Oh how I wish we could sell it all and live this way especially now! ❤U KIDS!!

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