
James was exposed to one of these wok’s this summer while we were in Leavenworth. He was the shuttle driver for Carson and his buddies with their bikes, he hauled them to the top of a mountain and they rode down while he drove back down. Afterwards they would hang out around a wok such as this and cook tons of meat and make tacos. It is sitting on a tripod (propane) and we happened to go to Mexico yesterday and got fresh huge shrimp. So we cooked it in this wok that arrived yesterday. James couldn’t get one ordered quick enough!!!! It is pretty cool. So now we have the pizza oven and a huge wok. woohoo!!! S & J

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4 thoughts on “Wok

  1. They are such fun! We have one we made out of a plow blade! Great to see your having a great time! Miss you much xxx

  2. Heck YES πŸ™ŒπŸ»
    Love this idea 😘
    We will pay for the shrimp
    If y’all cook it πŸ™ƒβŒβ­•οΈβŒβ­•οΈ

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