Yuma Bound

Today we leave Leavenworth and head toward Yuma for the winter. We have a two day stop in Bend Oregon and then will carry on. Not sure which way we will drive, regardless we face fires, wind, and apparently a load of rain. Yuma needs rain, the trick will be how much comes down in what kind of time frame. The entire northwest needs rain so it is a good thing. I have zero complaints.

We have had a wonderful month in Leavenworth. Good fun with Carson, had good weather and met lots of wonderful people. Our friends from Canada came to Leavenworth for the last week we were here and we got together with some other friends from Yuma that reside in the area during the summer months. It was good fun and great to see everyone! So we will be on the road for a bit and not sure how long we will take to get back to Yuma. Until next post have great days and stay safe and healthy!!! Hugs. S & J

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2 thoughts on “Yuma Bound

  1. Yes, stay alert to all crazy weather out there, girl ! Travel accordingly ! Glad no time constraint !
    Love you, thanks for sharing!

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