Acadia National Park

Today we spent the day at Acadia.What an amazing place and we are going back tomorrow. We got lots of ground covered today but not everything. This picture below is on top of Cadillac Mtn.. and it is overlooking Bar Harbor Maine. The big island on the left has a sand bar and every day around 3 you can drive your car or walk from Bar Harbor to the Island. This was an amazing view and incredible amounts of water and islands. We did an awesome 3.5 mile hike around Jordan Pond. The water was so clear and beautiful, saw Thunder Hole but it was not a full thunder or spray but still cool to see. Reminded me of Old Faithful in Yellowstone, set time of minutes for when it erupts!! It truly was a beautiful day. The park was not crowded and I actually got to stamp my NP book with the Acadia stamp. That in itself was the greatest. I keep thinking we will get to these NP’s and I will have no proof!! It’s the little things. Anyway off for another adventure in the morning. Will share the day with you. And for all you Dad’s reading this, Happy Father’s Day on Sunday!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

S & J

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