Castle Glen Winery

May 14, 2020. We stopped in Doswell Va. to stay the night at this winery. Very lovely place. We drove 3-1/2 hours from Raleigh and stopped here. It will leave us 214 miles to our Delaware destination on Friday. That will take a while. The wind was a little rough on the highway but James did a great job driving. I may drive some tomorrow, we will see. And the Love sign is made out of wine corks and it has 2244 corks. Really great frame too!!

Until next time…..


S & J

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4 thoughts on “Castle Glen Winery

  1. Great to see photo of the Delaware beach. And I loved picture of you two at the winery. That is a lot of wine bottles they had to empty to get those corks. 😉 Glad you all are having fun.

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