Pickle Ball

James is in the purple shirt and Grubby is in the orange. Grubby is the gentleman that we met on the courts and he also teaches the game and he is also the same one that fly”s the kite way above in the sky but his has a motor!! Super nice man and everyone we have met and we play with are super great. It is such a fun game and great exercise.

We usually all meet around 8 am and play a few hours. Two courts and we all take turns, some days may be 8 of us and some 4 and then sometimes 10. We have really enjoyed this new activity. The place we go to in November for the work/camp , they have 8 courts. So we should have quite the variety of matches. We met a man yesterday that got here for the winter, he is a return person, retired sheriff from California. Two new knees, hips, 70 + in age and can slap play the game. His serve is unreal.

Anyway, just thought I would share a tad of info with this pickle ball. If you have a chance to play you should try it. Does not matter how old you are, same court as tennis but shorter and a lower net. Good clean fun!!

Have a great day!!

S & J

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2 thoughts on “Pickle Ball

  1. What a great review of this sport. I’m going to try to learn when I visit Mikelle next summer. How fun to meet all your new friends all from different places.
    Loving your blog!!!

  2. Great people you are meeting, sharing with! Surely because you are so great!!! Love sue r

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